3. Under Your Wing
I don't need to be Under your wing. I don't need you to tell me what to think I really appreciate you trying to force me underneath your wing. You seem to think I need your help to succeed but I don't...
View Article5. Take The Crown
between a rock and a hard place ya finally 2x between a rock, finally between a rock and a hard place you finally see failure is waiting for you all indecision crippling your minds eye clarity this...
View Article2. Steel Trap
(your mind is like a trap your mind is full of hate your mind is a vast expanse so simple minded) 2x Your like, a steel trap, only, remembering the petty fights, you've won, you've lost, all respect,...
View Article1. What Dreams Are Made Of
Step back cuz I'll be damned if I don't win. (2x) And, when I look back it makes me sick to think of all the opportunities I let slip. Waiting for the right time, could never catch a break. Looking for...
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